HEPPELL's history.

Author's note: The narrative information contained on this site is not quite confirmed and often result from oral information. We hope our researches will clarify most of them.

The HEPPELL's of America would be of German lineage, native from Alsace in France. During the last centuries, this region was alternatively under German or French dominion, even under Swiss. The Alsace region was annexed in 1648 to the french Crown in 1648, under king Louis XIV, by the treaty of Munster, except for the city of Strasbourg, which was annexed in 1681. It is only by 1750 that the first ancestor, Nicolas, arrived in America. The name Heppell being of German connotation, we question if Nicolas still spoke German? We know by his son, John-Jacob, that he was of Lutheran religion. Would these reasons incite him to emigrate into America? It is said that he was a chief warrant officer and a surgeon in the army of Lafayette, this french general which fought with the Americans for their independence from 1777 till 1779.

In north America

For the great majority, the north american Heppell would be, native of Eastern Quebec in Saint Anaclet, a small municipality near Rimouski.
Indeed, John-Jacob, the son of Nicolas, arrived at Rimouski by the end of 1780s and settled down where is today St-Anaclet, where the families formed a real clan; the front pages of the church books of that period demonstrate it clearly.


In England

the Heppell's are relatively numerous in England. It seems that they would have arrived at 11th century with William the conqueror. There is in England a village by the name of Hepple, many Englishmen write their name this way, as it noted since the years 1200s. Is it same naming or the original spelling? Some of these British Heppell immigrated in the United States since 1850s.

In Australia.

In Australia we also find HEPPELL in Australia who are native of England.

In Switzerland.
Others Heppell are also found in Switzerland.

In France.

For the moment, only one Heppell has been located in France.

The family name "Heppell" underwent various alterations in the centuries. It also spells "Heppel, Hepel, Heppelle, Happell
Origin of the name  HEPPELL : the name HEPPELL would come from the name D'Heippel, which is a small village in the duchy of Bar, diocese of Toul in France. "